

The first two of these I was just messing around with the levels in photoshop and they looked kind of cool; the last one was the one we agreed was my best.


Intaglio Print

My amazingly beautifuly awesome Intaglio print.



My pastel for Drawing II.  I got an 86%.  I'm happy with it; it's going to be her Christmas present.


AP 9


Here's my fantasy/reality project.  I really like the colors of the bubbles in the background and how I alternated colors with them.



This is a pen & pastel drawing of my left foot.  I like my blue foot especially.  I like the way the top of that foot slopes downward and the arch of my foot.  I also like the vertical foot and the detailing on the right side.  The green foot, at the place right by the toes, looks too flat and almost as a 45-degree angle on the edge by the pinkie toe.  I should have drawn all three feet a bit larger, they all seem confined to that rectangle in the middle.


My Best AP 6

I didn't have six projects from class that I felt were AP quality, so I just used the best poster I made (a class assingmentt, my best one I feel) and five of the best and most visually intresting photos I took oustdie of class.  I went for photos thad thad strong color, contrsast and compostiont.  The one I feel has the most potential for being a five or six is the one of the dog leaping into the lake after the duck decoy because of how strong the content is with the framing of the dog way to th left, the detail of the water slapsh around the dog, and of how hithg the contrast is in the photo.

S-Curves and Windows

This project made me feel like a creeper...standing in peoples yards and taking pictures of their houses with a giant zoom lens.  It was hard to catch reflections on such a cloudy day, but I think I got pretty lucky with these three.  The S-Curves were a bit harder to find.  I tried my best with them and these were the best three of the seven I was able to find.


Poster #3 Gall

This is my final poster. Since Chris Gall illustrates children’s books, I wanted this poster to look like an illustration from a book for young kids. I chose a beach party event and gave this poster a beach theme. The Hope-Dog even got sunglasses especially for this (it is bright at the beach). I feel this piece shows clear decision making and the use of materials appropriate to the problem because it states its purpose in an obvious and fun way relative to the event its advertising and is simple for everyone to understand.

Poster #2 Cezanne

This was my second poster. I took a picture of my sisters Chihuahua Gus (took an hour and two hotdogs to get the perfect pose). Originally, I was going to hand paint it in Photoshop to make it look like a Cezanne painting but I had neither the time nor the patience so I just used a filter (I forgot which one) and came up with a charity event to make it a poster for. I think this is a strong piece mainly because of the analogous colors used in between Gus and the text. Also, I feel it addresses sophisticated ideas with some success because I think it looks like an ad from a lifestyle magazine like 605 (local magazine).


Poster #1 (Bard Style)

This was my first poster and it was in the style of Bard. I used his Illustrator-esque style, the font Broadway, and some combined vector shapes to make a poster-ad for a fake fundraiser for an animal charity, as my word was 'hope' and I made it into a puppy. To make the lamp shape and the spotlight shape I used the same technique of taking a triangle and ellipse shape, combining, and then expanding the shape to make it into one. The background was one burgundy colored rectangle with thin ellipses in a lighter color to give the illusion of a stage curtain; I also did the same thing with the floor. The white was used in the text to make the letters stand out more from the background. The forms and content of this poster clearly show the idea of the poster; it also shows several principles of design (shape, color).


My Artists

Bard (aka Bard Hole Standal)

  • Art director in Oslo

  • • Illustrator by night
     • Does motion graphics and interactive design
     • Owns art label Stupid Devil and enjoys participating in projects, exhibitions, and creative endeavors

Chris Gall

  • Illustrator and painter

    • Received over 50 awards (several Multiple Awards of Excellence from Communication Arts almost every year since 1988)

    • Published four children’s books (America the Beautiful, Dear Fish, There's Nothing To Do On Mars, and Dinotrux)


  • one of the greatest post-impressionists, also influential in cubism

  • began his work in impressionism
  • insisted on personal expression and the integrity of the painting
  • rejected the ‘romantic’ approach
  • late 1870’s- entered constructive phase; characterized by the grouping of parallel, hatched brushstrokes in formations that build up a sense of mass in themselves
  • Late Phase- concentrated on a few basic subjects: still lives of studio objects built around such recurring elements as apples, statuary, and tablecloths; studies of bathers, based upon the male model and drawing upon a combination of memory, earlier studies, and sources in the art of the past; and successive views of the Mont Sainte-Victoire, a nearby landmark, painted from his studio looking across the intervening valley